Build Muscle Naturally by Kevin Forrester

To build muscle naturally you must dedicate yourself to living a clean and healthy life. You must constantly be on guard and trust your instincts when it comes to increasing your muscularity. There will be temptations and peer pressures that will make you second-guess your common sense. There are ways to build muscle naturally without the aid of performance enhancing drugs.

There are a lot of supplements on the market today that claim to create an anabolic effect on your body. They claim to mimic the effects of anabolic steroids. Take heed that most of these supplements are a waste of time and money. You would be better served by adopting a diet and workout plan, which can naturally increase your body's anabolic response.

Your body is an amazing machine, which adapts and grows in direct relationship to the stimulus applied. For instance, if you workout using the same sets and reps over a long period of time you will notice that you are not making the same gains you were when you started. Your body has adapted to the workout and has stop responding because it knows what to expect. The trick is to confuse your body so that it can't know what to expect and in return will keep growing to meet the unanticipated demands you are placing on it.

When you confuse your body with the right amount of exercises, sets and reps it will start to create an anabolic type of effect in your body because of the uncertainty you created. If it doesn't know that you are going to stop at 8 reps then it will keep a reserve of energy in anticipation of doing more reps. When you continue to do this for several weeks your body will then adapt to this new regimen and stop the growth pattern. That is when you change again and do fewer reps and sets to once again confuse the body and force it to grow in anticipation of another uncertainty.

We can also build muscle naturally by implementing some diet changes. Protein is one of the main substances our muscles need to grow larger and stronger. By manipulating your protein intake you can effectively create an anabolic effect in your body. The theory is that you need 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. I feel this is not entirely accurate and suffice it to say that it would be a better choice to use 1 gram of protein per pound of lean muscle mass. So an average 200-pound man with a body fat percentage of 20% would need approximately 180 grams of protein per day. This will vary depending on the method you use to calculate your lean body mass.

One way to build muscle naturally is to manipulate your intake of protein. The way this is done is to consume an adequate amount of protein based on your lean body mass in conjunction with an adequate workout program for a period of several weeks. Then at a pre-prescribed time you will deprive yourself of this protein and only consume a small quantity, which will be as low as 30 grams per day. On your high protein intake days your body will be utilizing the protein it needs and then the remainder will be eliminated.

When you begin a protein deprived state your body will store and use all the protein it gets. When you return again to ingesting larger amounts of protein your body will make sure it stores at much as it can and will rely on the fat stores in your body for energy. Your body will better utilize this protein because it doesn't know when it will be deprived again. Guess where it will be stored? That's right in your muscles. Causing them to grow by the natural anabolic state you created. You can build muscle naturally; you just have to know how.

About the Author

Kevin has been training for over thirty years and has written many articles on training and muscle building. Don't even think about buying any more supplements, resorting to drugs or giving up until you read this revealing, no-holds barred muscle building report...

Acne Skin Care For You! by Bobbie McKee

A high percentage of individuals have been tormented by skin problems like blemishes, rashes, pimples, blackheads and acne. These problems are commonly experienced during puberty or an early stage in life where people tend to be most socially insecure. Aside from being physical, the effects can also be psychological. It can drain an individual's self-esteem and confidence. Some individuals may continue experiencing acne related skin infections decades later and it may eventually diminish during early adulthood for most people. There is now way of predicting when it will gradually decrease or fully disappear. Pimples, blackheads, and blemishes are among the most common skin infections caused by acne. The infection is a result of excessive secretions of oil from the skin glands and its buildup when a skin pore is blocked. Upper regions of the body like the face, chest, back and upper arms are commonly infected.

Acne can be irritating for most people since it can almost be unpredictable and uncontrollable once it strikes. The exact causes of this skin disease are not known and there have been no guaranteed measure in averting it. Diet, hereditary reasons, vitamin deficiency and stress are among the factors that have been closely attributed to acne infections. Still, it is best to find a good acne skin care regimen to ease and control its growth. An average person can make use of typical acne skin care methods. For severe forms of acne, consulting dermatologists is advisable in finding ways to lessen swelling and prevent scarring.

Perhaps the best acne skin care regimen is to regularly wash your skin twice a day. Using a mild natural facial cleanser and warm water in washing your skin regularly can help remove dirt and pollutants. Using strong detergent soaps and scrubbing your skin can only worsen your acne problems. Too much scrubbing can aggravate acne and it can also open up blemishes. Popping pimples can make the blemishes to spread up causing more infection. Some astringents are too strong and can cause more skin irritation. Using astringents are only advisable for oily skin. Washing your hair regularly can also help in acne skin care. Washing hair, especially long ones, can help remove excess oil and dirt that might come in contact with the skin.

Proper acne skin care also involves shaving and using the right razor. Choosing and testing for a comfortable safety razor is important when you have acne. Before applying the shaving cream, the beard can be softened by washing it with soap and water. Using a sharp blade and shaving lightly helps avoid cuts and rupturing pimples. Many acne skin care products and medicines for treating skin diseases can make your skin more prone to sunburn. Exposing your skin for a while to the sun may help dry up acne blemishes in the surface. Too much exposure to the sun can cause rapid skin aging, skin cancer and can make your skin drier.

Individuals that are prone to acne and are being treated for it should use oil free cosmetic products. Benzoyl peroxide and other acne skin care treatment can redden the skin so applying regular cosmetics products might be difficult. Regular cosmetic products usually contain more fatty acids that are harmful to acne prone individuals. Looking for organic and acne skin care products that will match your skin tone can help avoid more infections.

It is still best that one should consult a dermatologist before applying any acne skin care product or using different methods. Exerting more effort is needed for serious cases of acne infection to keep it from recurring. Observing proper acne skin care is important especially for younger individuals since blemishes and rashes tend to heal faster at a young age. Keeping a healthy lifestyle and diet can help restore the body's vitality easily.

About the Author

Bobbie McKee writes for that provides information on all aspects of finding acne skin care. You can find more details and tips about aromatherapy acne skin care in our education center.

Natural Remedies For IBS by Trevor Johnson

There are various ways you can reduce or even cure your IBS with natural remedies. Here are some things to try out to reduce the discomfort of irritable bowel syndrome.

1. Ditch the artificial sweeteners

Whilst this may not be classed as a traditional "remedy" it's certainly worth doing. Artificial sweeteners are used all over and have been shown to cause gas and bloating. As you would expect, they are used in lots of diet products including soft drinks and other low calorie foods. But you need to check the ingredients list as they are also used in potato chips, toothpaste, mouth wash, chewing gum and a myriad of other products. Watch out for Sorbitol, Aspartame, Xylitol and other sugar substitutes. If there is no ingredients list, move on to the next product (if it's your favorite product, check the manufacturer's website for more information).

2. Eat more fiber

Especially soluble fiber. This will help your bowels to move more naturally which in turn should reduce their irritability. If you follow the current recommendations of eating more fruit and vegetables, you'll be on your way. Just make sure that they have suffered little if any processing. This means eating real fruit, not drinking juice or smoothies. Ideally your vegetables should be steamed or oven cooked rather than deep fried. So that means cutting down on the french fries. Sorry!

3. Get more friendly bacteria

It's not just an advertising gimmick. You can get probiotic drinks that you keep in the refrigerator and drink one a day. Or you can get a pot of Acidophilus from your local health food shop and keep that cool instead. Go for the highest strength available for maximum benefit.

4. Try peppermint tea

Peppermint has been used since ancient times to help with healing your digestive system. Brew a cup of peppermint tea instead of automatically reaching for coffee the next time you want a hot drink. It's a refreshingdrink as well as helping your digestion.

5. De-stress your life

Stress is one of the major causes of IBS. Whilst modern western life seems to breed stress, there are ways of at least reducing it and they are well worth exploring. Treat yourself to some "you" time. Put on a favorite song or listen to one of the many purpose made relaxation MP3s available. If you can spare the time, investigate taking a local yoga class. Or look into one of the newer meditation methods that do almost all the hard work of meditation for you, leaving you free to relax and enjoy the experience rather than concentrating on a candle or a mantra.

6. Cut down on the caffeine

Caffeine can be a contributor to your IBS. Trouble is, it's quite an addictive drug. Which means that if you are used to drinking lots of coffee every day, you may need to reduce the amount you're drinking over a week or two, rather than cut it out completely overnight. Decaffeinated coffee has improved and almost tastes the same as regular. Just be careful to check how the coffee you change to has its caffeine removed as the chemicals in some of the processes can add their own issues.

About the Author

Learn more about cures for IBS and start to remove your irritable bowel syndrome symptoms naturally.

Losing Weight Safely by Steven Godlewski

Those that want to lose weight usually think about reducing the amount of food they eat. This may seem like a reasonable solution but not necessarily the safest. Fact is, the amount that you reduce in your food intake to lose weight, may be dangerous to your health. So how do you lose weight safely? Here are some pointers to consider before you try to lose weight:

Losing Weight Safely: Crash Diets

Most people think that losing weight means eliminating the calories alone can shed off their excess weight. What people don't realize is that this is a dangerous mentality to losing weight because when they decrease their calorie intake below the required levels, the body begins to digest the fats. Sounds great but it doesn't work that way. Burning fat requires a lot of energy. Since there is not enough energy in the body to facilitate the metabolism to burn fat, losing weight will progress at a very slow pace and result in fatigue, illness and a weak immune system.

Low-calorie diet is also compensated for by burning muscle. People on this type of diet who revert back to their old eating habits end up gaining back their weight loss, if not all the weight fat they lost. And since fats have more volume per mass than muscle, they end up with the same weight as before but more bulky. In losing weight, you should keep in mind that you should lose excess body fats only.

However, you can try out eating small meals at more frequent intervals. The body will not think that it is being starved and will not store food as fat. Losing Weight Safely: Eat Properly

You may have considered junking the crash diet option but he should also not forget to watch what he is eating. A variety in diet must always be considered so that you may be able to get the necessary nutrients from your diet. It is also healthier to eat foods that are roasted, steamed or broiled rather than fried. It is also important to include a lot of fiber in the diet. Frequent re-hydration is also necessary while losing weight safely.

Losing Weight Safely: Pump up lean Muscle Mass

Muscles burn calories when they work; they even do so at rest. Unlike fats, muscles burn calories all-day round. With this fact, you can start weight loss by increasing muscle mass. The more muscles, the less fat will be left. This is attainable starting with working out with resistance exercises.

Losing Weight Safely: Engaging in Aerobics

Aerobics are good for the heart by increasing cardiovascular endurance. Aerobics also help in developing lean muscle mass while simultaneously decreasing excess body fat. Aside from these, aerobics make the metabolic process more efficient and its rate high, even after a long while.

Losing Weight Safely: Extra "Push"

Some people believe that smoking and caffeine can actually help in losing weight. This can perhaps be true; however, they do the body more harm than good because of their side-effects. For that extra "push", you can try out taking food supplements. After all, 95% of these products out in the market actually do some good.

Losing Weight Safely: On Taking Diet Pills

While diet pills affect the amount of weight loss as well as how long you can keep that weight off. However, you must be concerned of the side-effects of these diet pills. Furthermore, diet pills are only of benefit to losing weight as long as you are taking them. Once you have terminated the use of diet pills, the weight loss usually returns.

Losing weight safely does not have to entail sacrifice and suffering. It actually means opening up to a new outlook in a lifestyle that benefits a full and healthy life. Losing weight might entail a little adjustment in your beginning efforts, but as the old saying goes, "no pain; no gain."

About the Author

Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is currently working with the staff at He has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other health related fields. For more health-related articles or 2 FREE bottles of Liquid Vitamins see their website at: SEE Video at:

Want To Lose Weight? Boost Your Metabolism! Here Are 5 Ways... by Yuri Elkaim

A ton of research has been done investigating why some people lose weight while others don't, why some people succeed at keeping weight off once they've lost it while others don't, and what factors tend to influence your ability to successfully maintain a healthy body weight.

What it boils down to is your metabolism.

Very simply, thinner people have a higher metabolism than heavier people. The reason...thin people have more fat-free mass OR lean muscle than their heavier counterparts. Since muscle burns roughly 50x times calories than fat it would make sense that having more lean muscle would be a predictor of long-term success in weight management.

Take Home Message #1:

Resistance training builds lean muscle and is therefore ESSENTIAL to boosting your metabolism and thus helping you lose weight and keeping it off for good.

Take Home Message #2 - Best Predictors for Keeping Weight Off...

A very interesting study out of the journal Obesity Research found that the best predictors for weight maintenance after weight loss were the following:

* an increase in dietary restraint during weight loss,

* a high baseline resting metabolic rate (as a result of resistance training),

* a rather stable body weight (ie. no excessive fluctuations in weight gain/loss), and

* a low frequency of dieting

Take Home Message #3 - It's All About Lifestyle

I don't know how many times I've said this in my life but it needs to said again...You can't maintain a healthy weight without a consistent effort towards improving your lifestyle. You need to make healthy eating and resistance training a regular part of your life, especially if you've been battling excess weight for most of your life.

Here's a simple reason why. A large meta-analysis on metabolism published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that formerly obese subjects had a 3-5% lower metabolic rate than control subjects.

Now many people would just say "Well, being fat is just in my jeans!" And that may be partially true BUT... the researchers in this study found that whether the cause of this lower metabolism was genetic or acquired, the existence of a low metabolism was likely to contribute to the high rate of "weight regain" in formerly obese persons.

These findings only further demonstrate the need for boosting your metabolic rate! And this doens't occur by spending endless hours doing cardio and following low carb diets!

5 Metabolism-Boosting Strategies:

Here are 5 ways that you can immediately start revving up your metabolism for the long run so that you can achieve and maintain your ideal for good!

1. Eat LIVING FOODS every day

High amounts of food enzymes found in living foods allow your body spend more energy on metabolism and less on digestion. Here's how you can start.

2. Spend more time RESISTANCE TRAINING instead of cardio

Lean muscle doesn't come about by doing cardio 7 days a week. You need to stress your muscles to develop them. Use your body weight, use resistance bands, use machines, use dumbbells, or any other form of resistance. The key is impose weight bearing resistance against your body! Use Fitter U if you haven't already.

3. Eat small meals throughout the day

We've all heard this before and for good reason. Keep your fire burning by adding small amounts of wood to it throughout the day - that's the analogy.

4. Spice up your meals

The following herbs and spices are well-known to speed up metabolism: cayenne pepper, jalapeno peppers, ginger, peppermint, and cinnamon - just to name a few.

5. Have a cup of GREEN TEA

Green tea has been shown to boost metabolism. Researchers believe that antioxidants in green tea can cause the body to waste calories as heat, which increases your caloric burn.


Vogels, N. et al (2005). Predictors of long-term weight maintenance. Obesity Research, 13: 2162-68.

Astrup, A. et al (1999). Meta-analysis of resting metabolic rate in formerly obese subjects. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69 (6): 1117-1122.

Yuri Elkaim is the author of Eating for Energy,a guide to healthy eating that has awaken the world to the power of natural living foods. It includes 120 recipes, a 12-week meal plan, and more great nutritional tools for living the best life ever! For more information, visit

About the Author

Yuri Elkaim is the author of Eating for Energy,a guide to healthy eating that has awaken the world to the power of natural living foods. It includes 120 recipes, a 12-week meal plan, and more great nutritional tools for living the best life ever! For more information, visit

Backwards Walking On The Treadmill - Have You Lost Your Marbles? by Yuri Elkaim

No, actually I haven't!

Walking backwards or jogging backwards on the treadmill works muscles in an entirely different way than walking forwards. Specifically, by walking backwards on the treadmill (especially on an incline) you engage the quad muscles (front of thigh) and calves to a great extent. Ideally, as with any type of treadmill exercise your goal is walk the hands off of the side rails for best results.

By Walking Backwards on the Treadmill with Hands Off the Rail You...

Engage your postural muscles to much greater degree. They are forced to take serious action. So are your legs, hips and the muscles that control your ankles. That's why walking backwards at faster speeds, without holding on, will condition your hip, knee, and ankle stabilizers for added benefit to your daily tasks and sporting endeavours. One of these benefits is an improvement in your proprioception or balance.

Start Slow When Walking Backwards on the Treadmill

Anyone with 2 healthy legs-and this includes older people, large people, and people who are new to exercise-can walk backwards without holding on. The key is to work at a pace that is initially comfortable for you to allow you to get used to the novel motion. Don't be a hero right off the bat. Start slow and build from there.

Variations of Backward Walking

Backwards Walking With Incline: Walking backwards with an incline is something else! When working on the treadmill I add this into all of my warm-ups. Sometimes, I'll even grab some hand weights and power walk while really focuses on driving and pushing forcefully off each leg.

Try this: set the incline at 15 percent and 2 mph, assuming that you are adjusted to walking backwards level without holding on. You will soon feel a nice burn in your thighs. If you can go faster, do that for an intense thigh burn.

Now, if you can't last longer than a few minutes, that's perfectly fine. Do brief intervals at 15 percent/2 to 3 mph, alternating with walking forward with a lower incline (or level) for a few minutes, back and forth, for 30 minutes.Incline low-walk: As you walk, lower your center of gravity so that you're in a one-quarter squat position. Keep your back straight! Do not pitch forward! This will intensify the fire in your quadriceps muscles.

Backwards Walking Intervals

You needn't spend a whole lot of time walking backwards to reap benefits. So if you prefer to do a one-minute interval here and there of these creative uses of a treadmill, that will surely contribute to your fitness goals. Even if you're a runner training for a race give a couple of these "power-building" backwards workouts a try. I guarantee that in just a few minutes your thighs will be burning like never before! Just watch what it will do for you runs.

About the Author

Yuri Elkaim is the owner of Total Wellness Consulting and the creator of the Treadmill Trainer™ Mp3 running programs guaranteed to help you run faster, father, and longer with just 2 runs per week. Get yours today at

Tips to choose the best teeth whitening laser treatment by Ebet Sanders

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If they are looking to shed a few pounds, they want it right now. Lauderdale and Laser Bleaching in los angeles are today for a free laser teeth whitening consultation in Ft. Specialist Cosmetic Doctors doing Laser Teeth Whitening to brighten the teeth by up to 10 shades Firstly, Laser Teeth Whitening- Express is. BANGKOK DENTAL GROUP: dental specialists in cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics. If they want a tan, they want it yesterday.

The first step in this is that the teeth whitening spe. The Opalescence Xtra Boost Tm tooth bleaching method is ultra dent, Inc's professionaltooth bleaching product. The cosmetic dentist begins laser teeth whitening by cleaning each tooth to remove plaque. Laser teeth whitening has become very popular, since so many people are looking Whether you're considering professional laser teeth whitening, or would like to. Laser teeth whitening is now one of the options that people have if they want to the modern world of today, every treatment is made easier with the use of laser. When it comes to teeth whitening, the lasers have already started their journey in producing fruitful results. Look this, Amazing Teeth Whitening tips. Drinking coffee and black tea, smoking, all the bad habits that you have influence your health and your body, and the bad influence is especially visible on your teeth. smile from the white teeth company and our unique laser teeth whitening system. Sacramento Laser Teeth Whitening- In just about an hour, you can go from a dingy yellow smile to a bright, dazzling white smile without using trays or strips. Laser teeth whitening from tooth whitening professionals. Alternative way to the bulky and hard to use tray based teeth whitening systems.

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For more information please visit or or even

How To Incorporate More "green" Into Your Diet by Diana Walker

While the term "living green" is synonymous with being eco-friendly it also describes the kind of food we should all be eating more of for improved health.

This isn't news for most people. Yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that less than one-third of American adults eat the amount of fruits and vegetables the government recommends. What makes this even more troubling is the fact one of the leading killers of Americans is colon cancer. According to the American Institute of Cancer Research up to 75% of cases of colon cancer could be prevented by diet. One of the best ways to arm ourselves in the fight against cancer, especially colorectal cancer, is to eat foods rich in folic acid and fiber. Green leafy vegetables fit the bill for this requirement.

The challenge for many people is to identify enough vegetable varieties and come up with enough recipes that will be tasty and satisfying. Some great leafy vegetables include spinach, turnip greens, beet greens, kale, collard greens and lettuces (Romaine, Boston, Arugula and many other tasty varieties).

For those of you looking for some interesting and tasty meal suggestions for inspiration consider the following less known varieties and food preparation ideas.

Kale is a beautiful leafy vegetable that is from the same family of vegetables as cabbage, collards and Brussels sprouts. It has a pungent flavor that is great eaten on its own or mixed with other vegetables. Raw kale is delicious with a bit of olive oil, red wine vinegar and freshly ground pepper.

If you're not from the south then you may not be as familiar with collard greens. Just ask for insight on this vegetable from someone who knows about it and you'll likely get an enthusiastic response. Collard greens have a unique smoky flavor that comes alive when lightly steamed with olive oil, onion, garlic and lemon and served as part of a main dish.

Much more familiar to most people is spinach. Raw spinach is a nutritional superstar! It's got twice as much fiber as other greens and is loaded with vitamins and minerals. To make your spinach a little more interesting add your favorite healthy dressing. Consider mixing together olive oil, Dijon mustard, sea salt, ground pepper, lemon juice and pressed garlic to make your own delicious Cesar dressing. It will provide one of the tastiest toppings for your spinach salad. Sprinkle in any of your favorite vegetables like red peppers or even mix in flavorful lettuce like Arugula and you've got a delicious meal.

Since the Dijon mustard in your spinach Cesar salad will provide tremendous flavor why not look to the plant from which mustard originates. Mustard greens are very tasty and have an interesting peppery flavor. It's no wonder their seeds have such a kick to them! Mustard seeds are of course used to make delicious Dijon mustard. To add this tasty element to your own recipes simply sauté mustard seeds and sprinkle then on casseroles, pasta salad and even sweet potatoes. The sharp flavor will add an interesting bite to your meal.

About the Author

For over 20 years, Diana Walker has assisted people like you in using natural, safe options for creating vibrant health and well-being. Get her gems of wisdom and healthy recipes mini- e-book via her free newsletter at: