Would You Like To Discontinue Playing The Spokane Blame Game by Zach Hunt

Discover The Little Known And Never Talked About Secret For A Better Golf Game: A Fitness Plan That Takes Care Of Your Body And Joints!!

A question: Are you one of those playing the Golf blame game?

What's the blame game?

Well it's when you think of any possible excuse as to why you are in your current health and fitness condition and why your Golf game is not doing so hot.

Any excuse that is "out of your control".

Whether it's the Golf Course that you play on, your time, your genetics, whatever, it's always a way to procrastinate and make yourself feel better. It's like you expect to be in your current status.

Now, I'm not trying to condemn anyone, or send anyone to the excuse jail. NO

It's just that all too often people think of an excuse as to why they can't get fit or why it just can't happen, even for their Golf game..

Anything but themselves. It can even be the government or food companies for allowing the foods to be manufactured.

On the Laurie Roth show, I recently did a radio interview on this topic.

You can listen to it in the Weight Loss Coach Media Room

Just like a favorite quote of mine, "Why do we have to think of all the reasons why it won't work out when all we have to do is think of one reason why it will." This can apply to that game you play on the Golf Courses.

If anything is ever going to change in your life, you have to take responsibility for what happens to yourself. If a Golf Fitness Plan is what it takes to get in better shape, then take responsibility for yourself.

Eat right, exercise, and expect a change in your body....and in your Golf game.

That's it!

As a Weight Loss Coach I can tell you one thing for sure, if you don't do anything you'll very likely be the same 6 months from now or even 6 years.

Just ask yourself, is that what you want to be like 6 months from now, or what do you want your Golfing to look like 6 months from now?

Are you worried about your health and wellness and want to avoid further medical problems or complications down the road that will ruin your life?

In order to make it happen, you must take action!!

About the Author

Zach Hunt is a golf wizard, personal trainer and owner of Physzique, a fitness coaching service in Spokane, WA. Go here: http://www.spokanefitnesscoach.com/index.html or you can go here for more golf tips: http://www.spokanefitnesscoach.com/articles/spokane-golf-courses-fitness.html

How To Manage Your Hormone Headaches by Mary Betz

All too often many women will have an odd response when asked if they have headaches. "No I don't have headaches, just my normal monthly one." Well I am here to tell you that headaches are not normal, monthly or otherwise. Headaches that occur monthly during the menstrual cycle are menstrual migraines.

Menstrual migraine is due to the increasing and decreasing levels of estrogen in the brain during this time. Women have up to five (!) estrogen receptor sites in the brain and with all of them busy binding and unbinding estrogen, well this creates one heck of a headache. Many female migraineurs say that this headache can be the worst headache they have ever had. Like other migraines the headache symptoms are pounding, throbbing pain, sensitivity to light and sound and nausea. Unlike other migraines the symptoms are all magnified to the point where the headache may be disabling. Not only is she nauseated, but vomiting may also occur.

Menstrual migraine is now taken seriously by the medical profession unlike years ago when most women were told "It's all in your head". No kidding. This type of migraine is now being studied with its own research and much is being learned, especially on how to manage these headaches.

OK, now what? Well there are some new options on how to manage these migraines.

1. First of all, like all migraines, lifestyle plays a role. If you smoke, cut it in half immediately. Nicotine excites the brain and makes headaches worse. The same goes for caffeine. Cut out the power caffeine drinks, Starbucks and other caffeinated sodas.

2. Next step. Get on vitamin supplements targeted for migraine. All studies have shown, that vitamin B2 400mg, feverfew herb and magnesium 400mg can reduce your headaches. New information seems to point towards increasing the magnesium to 600mg or 800 mg during the menstrual week to blunt the headache.

3. Medications such as low dose anti-seizure drugs may help reduce the pain of the headache. You might have to be on the medication for a few months to get things under control, but generally this is not something you will have to take for the rest of your life. Again, new research points to increasing the dose slightly during the menstrual week to ease the headache and then reducing the regular level after the menses is over.

4. Hormones may treat migraines! Often times, if the OB/GYN is involved, a woman can go on one of the new 90 day cycling birth control pills. Having a period once every 90 days means a bad headache, but only every three months. Other women have tried low dose estrogen that is used for menopause, during the menstrual week. A slight increase in estrogen may ease the headache pain.

5. Using longer acting medications during the menstrual week might prevent the headache from coming back. One of the newer drugs for migraine, frovatriptan, has a long acting formula and can prevent the migraine from returning over and over during the menstrual week.

Discuss your options with your medical provider, and don't give up. New options are coming to light every few months or so, so keep asking questions about what is new to manage your hormone headaches.

About the Author

Mary K. Betz MS RPA-C is a practicing Physician Assistant in headache medicine. See www.headache-adviser.com and read more information on hormone headaches atHormone Headaches

How To Diet And Lose Weight Fast by Jonathan Higgins

You can learn how to diet and lose weight fast. It actually is not that difficult. Part of the key to losing weight fast is to eat healthy, stay motivated and become more informed. The following tips and strategies can get your started on the process of losing the weight you want to at the safe pace you would like.

Eat More Raw and Healthy Foods

If it comes in a can or box, or is frozen, then do not eat it. Well, they me be a little tough to do in reality. But at the very least, you should slowly cut down on the amount of processed foods you eat and increase the amount of fresh meats (not processed), vegetables and fruits you eat.

Fresh foods contain enzymes and micro nutrients that processed foods do not. These nutrients satisfy your hunger and keep you full until your next meal. people who eat healthy snack less because their hunger is satisfied. If you want to know how to diet and lose weight fast, then you must follow this key strategy.

Use Before and After Photos to Keep you Going

You may not want to have pictures of the fat you around, but I suggest you take a picture of yourself at the start of your weight loss campaign. Why do you think weight loss product advertisements always show before and after shots?

Because it moves and motivates us. It can be quite a rush when you see the fat you and the thin you side by side. Also, everybody slips up from time to time. You will too. During those times when you may start putting weight back on, you can pull out the photo of your old self as a reminder that you don't want to look like that again.

This could be all you need to get you back on course to making the permanent lifestyle changes needed to lose the weight you need to and keep it for good.

The Importance of Reading Food Labels

This is so crucial to knowing how to diet and lose weight fast. What you see on the front of any food package is merely advertising to get you to buy the product. There are many foods that claim to help you lose weight, but actually only cause you to gain more weight.

Therefore, you must get in the habit of turning the package over and reading what is actually in it. A good example are products that claim to be low in fat. Many of these products are indeed low in fat.

However, they contain hundreds of non-fat calories that make us gain weight just the same. At the very least, you should read the label on everything you eat to determine how many total calories are in the product.

Knowing how to diet and lose weight fast is simple in concept but difficult in practice. It's the difficulty that turns people off to dieting and makes success impossible for them. Do not let this happen to you.

About the Author

Learn more tips like these. Just contact fatlossmadeeasy@aweber.com Learn how to lose weight fast Learn how to lose weight quickly

How Diabetics Can Lose Weight Fast And Easy - More Strategies by Jonathan Higgins

Diabetes is on the rise and as a result many are wondering how diabetics can lose weight fast and easy. By losing weight, diabetics can improve their condition and even get rid of the disease altogether. Following the strategies below you can learn how to lose weight fast and improve your overall health.

More Fresh and Less Processed

The first key for how diabetics can lose weight fast and easy is to understand the importance of eating fresh foods over processed ones. How much of what you eat comes in some kind of package and how much is fresh? Fresh means that it is a close to its original state as possible. For example, fresh broccoli has a lot more nutrition it in than frozen broccoli.

Likewise, how much of what you eat is made from processed white flour? Do you eat a lot of bread or pizza? Heavily processed foods have had all the nutrients processed right out of them so all that is left is high calorie filler.

Because these foods have very little vitamins, minerals and enzymes in them, you become hungry again really fast and desire to eat even more, making you fatter and fatter. Try to at least eat as much fresh foods as you do processed. And if you feel you can be successful, try to tip the scale to 60% fresh and 40% processed. Or, 70/30 would be even better.

The Power of Before and After Photos

You can get quite a boost in motivation and energy when you can compare the new you to the old you. Be sure to take a picture of yourself, even if you don't like having pictures of the chubby you around.

You will be blown away after you lose 20, 40 60 pounds and can compare the difference. Documentation of your success can give you the boost in motivation to you going and either continue to lose weight or maintain your ideal weight if you have already made it.

It is also very normal for someone trying to make the significant lifestyle changes needed to lose weight to fall down now and again. The business of life may keep you from exercising for a couple weeks allowing some of the weight you have lost to come back.

Pulling out of photo of the old and overweight you may be all that is required to get you back on track. It can give you the determination to prioritize your life and make exercise a priority.

Food Labels are for Reading

Another crucial key for knowing how diabetics can lose weight fast and easy is to know what you are eating. This is especially true since sugar, in all its forms, is lurking in all sorts of places you would never imagine.

You can't trust a food product based on the front of the package. Whatever the manufacturer puts on the front is designed to sell the product, not inform. To be informed about what you are eating, you have to read the ingredients label on the back.

One thing that makes us gain weight is eating empty calories. Empty calories only make us feel full for a short while. The body hunger is only satisfied when it gets the nutrients it needs. If you eat junk food or fast food, you will quickly become hungry again when the body realizes that it didn't get the nutrients it needed from the last meal.

Read the label and make sure that there is a good calorie to nutrient ratio. Here's a good tip: stay away from most heavily processed foods. They are full of calories and have very little nutrients.

These three strategies are the foundation for knowing how diabetics can lose weight fast and easy. Eating more fresh foods instead of processed ones, motivating yourself with before and after photos, and learning how to look at food labels will start you on your way to a healthy life.

About the Author

Learn more tips like these. Just contact fatlossmadeeasy@aweber.com Learn how to lose weight fast Learn how to lose weight quickly