Common Types Of Sleep Disorder by Gary M. Miller

Did you ever experience a long tiring day at school or work? Your body may have been aching with pain and you laid down for a relaxing sleep. What a wonderful feeling that was! Most people enjoy the luxury of sleep without realizing that it isn't always possible for many people to achieve this. Sleep helps us in more ways than we can imagine but it sometimes eludes people who don't even know what they were missing.

Sometimes we take for granted the great benefits that are afforded to us from a restful nights sleep and we begin to abuse the privilege by staying up too late or "burning the midnight oil" a bit too much. The more we use our body, the more that we must load up on sleep. If we don't catch up, our body starts to get confused and this can eventually lead to a sleep disorder. First we find ourselves irritable and slow. Then we lose our ability to fully relax and we are in for a much bigger problem down the road.

Common sleeping disorders often begin unnoticed. We might just be having signs of some minor problems but we don't think too much of it. Then we may begin to have difficulty falling or staying asleep but think this is only a "passing phase". Little do we know, we are already experiencing, what doctors would diagnose as insomnia, a sleep disorder that results to sleepiness at other times of the day. Insomnia is the most well-known sleep disorder but it is still undiagnosed in thousands of people. It causes slow reactions in our nervous system and poor mental concentration. These factors might just lead to accidents and lesser productivity throughout the day. Stress is also considered one of the major reasons why one out of three adults experiences some degree of insomnia at one time or another.

A less common but quite alarming case of insomnia is the chronic insomnia. This is known as a severe case of insomnia which is caused by too much stress and by our body's chemistry and medical condition. This second case of insomnia is less common than the first but still quite common overall. It also tends to go undiagnosed in many people.

Sleepy people who experience a gradual loss of muscle tone (called cataplexy) may be experiencing another type of sleep disorder known as Narcolepsy. This is a sleep related disease that affects the NREM or "Non Rapid Eye Movement" sleep. Narcoleptic patients experience sudden muscle weakening which sometimes causes them to fall. They may fall into a NREM sleep phase almost instantly and this can be extremely dangerous. A simple act of happiness or laughter may trigger what is called a cataplectic attack where the person just falls asleep and tips over! A related disease called sleep paralysis is also alarming and can occur in narcoleptics where they lose control of their muscles especially when lying down before they go to bed.

Children commonly experience a sleep disorder familiarly known as "bedwetting" which is actually called Nocturnal Enursis. This ordinarily happens during NREM sleep as does talking in your sleep and sleep walking. These disorders are also common amongst children.

Sleep Apnea is a breathing disorder which is not understood by many people and which is therefore undiagnosed in many people. It is still quite common however and is caused by the muscle and tongue relaxation on the soft palate at the throat's base. This is the part of the throat which allows an individuals air passage to collapse especially those with narrow airways. It creates a sleeping disorder somewhat similar to snoring but it is actually a lot more serious than just snoring. Sleep apnea causes a person to lose the much needed REM phase of their sleep and thereby depletes their energy and dangerously affects their brain chemistry. A person with sleep apnea is more prone to accidents and poor health as well as poor performance at work or school.

Sleeping disorders can be avoided if we raise our awareness about them and take preventive measures to stop them. We must make sleeping a daily habit and try to get a better night's sleep all the time. If we make sure and do this, we will surely reap the benefits soon!

About the Author

Over 70 Million people in the USA suffer from some kind of Sleep Disorder! There are actually hundreds of ways to improve your sleep but the first thing that is needed is to raise more awareness! If you want to sleep better tonight , you can visit this information Sleep Aid Web Site that is packed with FREE information:

What Is A Sleep Disorder? by Gary M. Miller

Have you ever wondered why there are some people who seem to have less energy than others? Some people seem slower and are constantly making mistakes or having accidents. They are not able to finish their tasks each day and there seems to be no other explanation but simple "bad luck". There are also some people who suspect that maybe there is something bothering that person or that he or she might not be feeling well. In fact, they are right! Very often, that person may be suffering from a lack of good sleep and this is exactly the reason why he or she is less productive than the other people around them! This lack of sleep can increase due to many other problems which all contribute to an eventual diagnosis of "sleep disorder". This is no laughing matter! This situation is actually much more common than most people realize and it is what typically constitutes a need for hospitalization in many individuals. A sleep disorder involves more than just the well known cases of insomnia. There are many other cases such as sleep apnea and sleep deprivation which are also hard to diagnose but which are extremely prevalent. They can lead to loss of job, loss of marriage or very serious car accidents. Understanding just what a sleep disorder is can be the first step to preventing this very serious problem.

Sleep is a natural state of rest which involves less body movements and no awareness of the actual surroundings. Sleep can also be distinguished from other sleeplike states such as hibernation and coma because it involves certain conditions like rapid eye movement or REM. Almost all creatures sleep, including of course animals. Of course varying positions and manners of doing this exist in every person. A sleep disorder, however, is characterized by a lack of appropriate regeneration of a person's basic bodily requirements. Less sleep means a lesser productive you! When a person lacks sleep it is very difficult for him or her to go through the day with ease. As this problem progresses, it can be considered a sleep disorder.

Often we are not aware of the complex processes which go on while we are sleeping. There are two kinds of sleep known as Rapid Eye Movement REM and Non Rapid Eye Movement or NREM. The human cycle between REM sleep and NREM is vital to every individual. Adults aged 20-60 require REM sleep to occur roughly every 90 minutes. Most adults have 20% of their total sleep time in REM sleep. Research on sleep shows that certain brain regions play a vital role in our sleep and when we aren't sleeping correctly, the process breaks down. The correct amount of sleep usually differs with age and between individuals but there is still a required amount of REM and NREM for every person. Newborns sleep the most and require about 17-18 hours of full uninterrupted sleep. Nearly half of this time is spent in REM sleep. An average adult needs at least 8 hours of continuous sleep per night to function optimally during waking hours. Some, however, spend less time sleeping and actually have a real difficult time acquiring the complete amount of sleep. These problems are what lead to different sleeping disorders like insomnia, narcolepsy, bedwetting, sleep talking, sleep walking or nightmares.

Lack of sleep will most certainly cause us more trouble down the road and it is advisable that a person who has difficulty sleeping should compensate for this problem by resorting to certain treatments. It is also best that we stay aware of the potential problems so that when we encounter certain symptoms of a sleep disorder, we can do something about it as early as possible.

We sure don't want a life that is less productive and less happy! Rather than compromising our own satisfaction and the satisfaction of others, we should keep an eye out for the possible symptoms of a sleep disorder and learn to ask our doctor about this potential threat to our well-being. By staying aware, we learn to stay healthy. This will all start by maintaining a solid and worthwhile sleep and by making our lives happy and peaceful from now on!

About the Author

Over 70 Million people in the USA suffer from some kind of Sleep Disorder! There are actually hundreds of ways to improve your sleep but the first thing that is needed is to raise more awareness! If you want to sleep better tonight , you can visit this information Sleep Aid Web Site that is packed with FREE information:

Hot To Build Muscle If You're A Hardgainer by Wesley McDermott

Some people may not be aware that they are what you call a hardgainer. Hargainers are individuals who can train equally as hard if not more than other people but yet still somehow fail to gain any increase in mass or strength. First of all these people need a lot more than just hard training to see gains. In order for these people to achieve there weight gain and muscle building ambition they need to incorporate many different principles. It can be very frustrating and believe me I know, I had to find out the hard through years of testing and altering both my dietary intake and training regimes. Many other bodybuilders also get to discover the hard way and this results in lost time, energy and waste of money.

The majority of people starting off trying to gain mass and build strength are of the belief that there is no such thing as training too hard, too long, or too much. They do not bother with setting thereselves effective targets, planning regimes for themselves or even monitoring themselves. This is clearly down to lack of knowledge on their part and was the big killer in my past regimes and progress or should I say lack of it. This hefty misconception is the devil behind most youngsters and hard gainers progression in gaining mass and building strength, don't! let it be yours.

Training like this for a length of time ultimately leads to lack of muscle growth, lack of motivation, and a total breakdown of dedication. To counter these problems many people think that if they trained harder nd longer then this can help, they're wrong! In fact you could actually end up losing strength and losing mass from training too much and too often without the proper knowledge needed to effectively start to grow.

In the dedicated sport of bodybuilding; effort and effect do not show any evidence of a close relationship. On the contrary, our bodies are fuel burning entities which are very complex and depend upon balances. Improper and excessive training breaks down these balances. In simple terms, if you begin to burn your energy reserves faster than you are refilling them then you'll only begin to deplete the whole mechanism of strength, stamina, and the abilty to recuperate.

In case you are a beginner bodybuilder or you are planning on trying to gain mass and strength, you must slowly build your body up to cope with the strenuous task which it very rarely is used t in the past. It is very wise for a beginner not to lift anything they cant lift for more than 8 reps, and its also worth taking into account the length of their workouts and the amount of them per week. Beginners should keep their workout sessions to a maximum of three a week and always try to workout every muscle group in each. Bare in mind however if you do exercise A one day for a muscle group then make sure you do exercise B the session after, each with a three set total. Remember to train to total failure of the muscles, if you feel you can't lift anymore LIFT AGAIN!

Split training is something that advanced bodybuilders do a lot of. If your workout schedule consists of training four days a week, seperate your workouts so you end up concentrating more on one half of the body one day and then concentrate on the other half of the body another and so on and so forth. Make sure you also split these muscle groups up as well from front to back. Eg. Say I do my biceps, chest,obliques one day, I'm then going to do my shoulders, triceps, back the next day.

As a bodybuilding addict you are going to need to increase your calorie intake and your protein intake. As soon as you substantially increase your protein consumption your muscle will begin to slowly increase in size. In actual fact, if your are a hard gainer then this may be your root problem. As a substantial study showed that people need at least 2 grams per pound of bodyweight. A 150 pound man for example would need at around 300 grams of protein a day, depending on the intensity of his workouts. Don't get me wrong protein is'nt a magical cure, you need a hefty increase in everything you eat and it needs to be whole foods. By whole foods I mean no junk foods, or foods that don't have a lot of nutritional value. If you look after your body and feed it what it needs to grow then it will.

Lastly, the importance of using freeweights while trying to build mass and strength is great. Free weights allow for muscle stimulation and in turn increase the muscles more effectively.

About the Author

For more info on how to gain weight and how to build muscle visit

Full Body Dumbbell Workout Best For Six Pack Abs by Eddie Lomax

In my opinion, a full body dumbbell workout is the best exercise program for developing six pack abs. Unfortunately, hardly anyone uses dumbbells to develop strong abdominals you can see. In this article, I'll show you the error of your ways.

Carving out six pack abs you can see is a strong motivating force for many a man and woman. But the problem is, the desire is so strong people often don't think rationally when putting a plan into action. They want six pack abs, and they want them yesterday. This leads to making poor decisions, which often lead to a lot of wasted time and money.

I'll be honest with you...

- Those gadgets you see on late night television don't work - "Isolating" your abs are ineffective for your goal and a waste of time - Anything that claims to be "fast and easy" is a waste of money

Getting a six pack is just like any other goal. Stop letting emotion drive your decisions. Let's take a deep breath and look at this logically. I'm sure once we do this, you'll conclude that a full body dumbbell workout is your best bet for a six pack you can see, as I have.

There are three things you must do if you want to see your six pack:

1) You must build muscle all over your body 2) You must strengthen your core muscles 3) You must lose fat

If you do all three of these things, you'll develop abdominals you can see.

Building muscle all over your body not only helps you look better, but muscle is metabolically expensive. This means your body must use more calories to maintain a higher percentage of muscle, and therefore leaves less calories to be converted into fat. So, you not only build an attractive body, but also create a situation where the bigger muscles help you reach your goal of a visible six pack. A full body dumbbell workout builds muscles all over your body.

Obviously, stronger and bigger abdominal muscles are necessary to achieve the abdominal look you desire. But stop relying on "isolation" exercises like crunches and leg raises to get the job done. A dumbbell workout puts emphasis on the core muscles with every exercise. This means every exercise is an ab exercise.

No matter how much muscle you put on or how strong and big your abdominal muscles, no one will ever see them if they are covered with fat. You must get rid of the fat around your middle to make the muscles underneath visible. And a dumbbell workout, done correctly, burns a lot of fat.

Think of it this way. You want to perform a workout that builds muscle, strengthens the core and burns fat at the same time. This is the most effective method for getting the result you want. If your entire workout does these three things, it is the fastest way to build abs you can see.

So, spend more time doing a full body dumbbell workout instead of doing those "isolation" exercises and you'll build more muscle, strengthen your core and burn off more fat. This is what you need to spend your time doing if you ever hope to see your six pack. So, pick up a pair of dumbbells and get busy!

About the Author

Coach Eddie Lomax is giving away a valuable Special Report called, "Why Dumbbells Are My Secret Weapon For Building Six-Pack Abs You Can See In The Shortest Time Possible!" Get yours today, while it's still free.

The Risk Factors In Sleep Disorders by Gary M. Miller

Ever wondered how much time the normal person sleeps in a day? How about in a month or even a year? Oftentimes we don't record the number of hours we spend awake or asleep because we are simply too busy to think about it. All of us differ in the number of hours and the patterns of sleep that we have. Those that are able to sleep 8 hours a day, 7 days a week are truly blessed but what about the others who don't sleep as well? They have to go through endless hassles of dozing off to sleep in the middle of the day or experiencing sleepless nights again and again. These unlucky people can actually develop sleep disorders that can really become a problem if they aren't watched carefully.

There will be times that no matter how hard we push ourselves to sleep, it just isn't just possible. If this is a problem that constantly bothers you and your sleep is more of a struggle than an ease, you may be contracting a sleep disorder. First the problem may be referred to as sleep deprivation and eventually is may be called a sleep disorder. The risks associated with this are very long and very serious.

Some of the risks involved in having a sleep disorder involve more frequent accidents such as automobile accidents and falling injuries. Frequently associated with sleepless nights is the difficulty in keeping a job which then results in financial problems and social problems as well. Actually , the list is endless and often goes unnoticed because the diagnosis of the problem is hard to determine.

Poor sleeping can be caused by many different factors. Age is one factor because, as we get older, our body clock changes. This causes an unstable state in our sleep patterns because we no longer need the same amount of sleep or may require it at a different time of day. Also, increased smoking or drinking of coffee may change our patters as well. Alcohol can also affect the quality of our sleep and should be avoided just before going to bed. A sudden change in the climate of your area may also bring about a total change in your sleep pattern. Medications, such as those which have been used in the past but are no longer used or those that are brand new, may bring about changes that must be taken into account.

As we get older, the risks that are associated with sleep disorders get even greater. Such risks go up in patients who suffer from cases of stroke and asthma. This is because they may often get attacks in the middle of the night which may disrupt their sleep. These are just a few of the risk factors leading to sleep disorders. Also, the risks are accompanied by dangers that we must be aware of as we get older. Less sleep might cause weight gain because loss in sleep lowers leptin levels which are known to increase hunger. Sudden mood swings also affect people who don't get enough rest and this may tend to make them irritable. Stress and anxiety level may heighten which may then lead to an even greater loss of sleep. A person like this will have a hard time doing tasks because they simply lack the energy to do the things they need to do. Of course, more than anything else your brain will simply not function as effectively as it should. This will cause you to slow down in both learning and concentration.

Insufficient rest may lead to many unwanted accidents like car accidents and other obvious risk factors that all need to be considered if you want to stay healthy. Hyperthroidism, Acromegaly, Amyloidosis, Vocal cord paralysis, Morfan syndrome and Neuromuscular disorders are only a few of these very serious problems. The risks are more than enough to justify a preventive cure for these problems. By being totally aware of the consequences of the loss of sleep, we can surely avoid these problems in the future. As an old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Let's not wait till the time that we have to resort to solutions we cannot afford. Let's start by being informed of such disorders and what causes them. In the end, we won't let these risks get in our way to achieving a healthier and more productive life.

About the Author

Over 70 Million people in the USA suffer from some kind of Sleep Disorder! There are actually hundreds of ways to improve your sleep but the first thing that is needed is to raise more awareness! If you want to sleep better tonight , you can visit this information Sleep Aid Web Site that is packed with FREE information:

Learn How To Prevent A Migraine Headache by Alyssa Nair

If you're interested in learning how to prevent a migraine headache, it helps to first know what causes migraines. By understanding the root cause, you can better understand the potential cures.

A migraine is caused by the enlargement of the temporal artery, which is the artery that lies on the outside of the skull and under the skin of your forehead. When this artery enlarges, it stretches nerves around it and they in turn release certain chemicals. These chemicals are the cause of the pain that is called a migraine, and they also cause the artery to enlarge even more - more pain, more enlargement. Migraines are just a never-ending circle of agony. When considering how to prevent a migraine headache, it's important to understand the circle, so that you at least don't do anything to make it worse.

What Causes Migraines

Obviously the cause of migraines is going to be different for everyone. However, to consider how to prevent a migraine headache, it helps to remember that stress hormones that cause migraines can be released by such things as fasting, bright lights, caffeine, and artificial substances such as MSG or aspartame. There may be other sensitivities that you yourself have.

One of the steps involved in how to prevent a migraine headache is to keep track of the specific trigger for you. If you suffer from frequent migraines, you should keep a food diary to see if there are certain triggers for you. Since bright lights also trigger this particular nerve in some people, think of how this might be applicable to you. For example, do you work in a place where the lights change frequently, such as a movie theater or some type of lab where you go from a dark room to a bright room?

How to Prevent a Migraine Headache Naturally

There is good reason why migraines do not normally respond to regular headache medications. This type of pain caused by migraines activates what is known as the sympathetic nervous system, that "fight or flight" response that is common during stress. This reaction pulls blood and oxygen from the digestive system in order to divert it to the muscles of your legs. This keeps oral medications from being absorbed in the intestinal systems.

So when considering how to prevent a migraine headache, you see how regular aspirins and other oral medications are probably going to do little to help. They are simply not absorbed the way they should be.

Some ways to treat migraines naturally include acupuncture, which seems to calm that temporal artery and the sympathetic nerve system after it.

When considering how to prevent a migraine headache naturally, try oils such as lavender or peppermint. These can be put in a vaporizer or washcloth. Calcium and magnesium relieve muscle tension, so consider taking a supplement with these elements.

Don't forget the more obvious remedies of giving yourself a mini massage and staying in a darkened room. Watch your diet and get rid of artificial sweeteners and substances. And if all else fails, see your doctor - he or she can accurately diagnose your condition and give you additional pointers on how to prevent a migraine headache permanently.

About the Author

Alyssa Nair has written articles on natural headache remedies and how to stop them before they start. Read the helpful tips and advice about natural remedies that cure many different types of headaches.

Useful Tips On Beginner Bodybuilding Routines by Darren Lintern

As we all realise, the beginner bodybuilding routine does not simply call for exercise to develop the muscles but also calls for more calorie intake and enough rest to keep the body and mind active throughout weight training sessions. Body building is said to be a competitive activity. So in order to succeed in any tournaments, one ought to genuinely take great care of their body to retain it in shape.

For someone that's just starting out, it's sensible to keep yourself up to date of all bodybuilding info you can track down. One such source can be a leading muscle building mag. Whether it is the latest issue or a back issue as long as it's able to offer you the much required information; it is worth your cash.

Apart from these magazines, you will certainly discover more facts about the various beginner bodybuilding routine if you enrol yourself in one of the exercise classes available in your neighbourhood. A diet and fitness instructor ought to be well versed to instruct their students on the advance and basic muscle building info that they need to recognize in order for the student to be more determined and interested in following such a sporting activity.

One shouldn't just focus on acquiring the ideal pattern of exercises as bodybuilding info has a vast range of issues to be learned. When it concerns a muscle builder's traits, discipline will come first above anything. For example, this could relate to an individuals discipline when it comes to their bodybuilding diet nutrition eating plan.

A muscle builder should be cautious enough when it concerns their daily food consumption. You can acquire healthy formulas to accompany the perfect beginner bodybuilding routine by researching the magazines, or from a knowledgeable and trusted friend or trainer.

About the Author

If you're Interesting in Learning the Honest Truth about Research Proven step-by-step how to's for Full Body Workouts, Nutrition Plans, Fat Loss & gaining Defined Abdominals for Good, take a look at

Treadmill Rating-Reading These Reviews Is Essential For Finding The Best Machine For Reaching Your Fitness Goals by Josh Neumann

Having decided to buy a treadmill, the first small step you can take is to have a look at treadmill rating being given by various websites and publications. While these ratings can have an element of bias and subjectivity involved, these do give you an idea about the parameters used and specifications considered. Thus you may judge for yourself, the particular treadmill after reviewing these ratings.

Treadmills are obviously very popular exercise equipment today, as more and more people are using them to stay fit. They are great particularly for using at home in the winter, when it's too cold to go out running.

Also, they are awesome for running under all sorts of circumstances. Very simply, you can run or walk as fast or slow as you want, do it at an incline, etc. No matter how fit you may be, a treadmill can certainly help you achieve even better fitness levels in a very short amount of time.

Of course, before you purchase one, you will probably want to read treadmill reviews to help you find the best one. Very simply, since these machines are so widely used today, there are many competitors manufacturing them as well.

Obviously, not all of them are made with equal quality, so reading information by people who've already used them beforehand is certainly better than buying one and finding out you wasted your money on an ineffective machine. These ratings and reviews are based on some existing parameters such as comfort factor, quality and efficiency of performance, price range, warranty terms, advanced features such as console, wireless heart rate monitoring system, incline ratio and pre-programmed and customizable workout regimes.

When you read a treadmill review, you get a fair idea about what to expect from your short listed model and make. Having done that, it is a good idea to personally have a look at these models and have a trial run. Nothing can compare as good as your own experience and comfort zone while evaluating treadmills.

Remember, no matter what kind of reviews you read, whether it be online or magazine ratings of treadmills, it cannot be a substitute to your own assessment and research. At best these can act as your first guide to begin with. Remember you were in a complete dark when you had first decided to buy a treadmill. Thus having covered a lot of ground since then, you may need to go beyond these ratings if you want the best deal for you and your family.

One of the most important things to look for in choosing the best machine is how long the warranty is for. If the warranty doesn't cover the machine for a very long period of time, you can be sure that the company who made it doesn't have much faith in the quality of their craft. Therefore, no matter which one you opt to purchase, be sure that the warranty is for a long period of time, and preferably for life.

Even the best and most objective treadmill rating can not be free from pre-conceived notions of raters. Do not rely on these ratings solely while making a decision. After all it is your decision and your money which is at stake. Go with the one which you think meets your requirements well. Be a rater for yourself.

About the Author

For info on finding the top treadmill rating, visit Read reviews of treadmill motors and anything else treadmill related.

Don't Overlook Familiar Anti-Oxidants Like Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) by Steve P Smith

Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is an important member of the water soluble B complex of vitamins and has of course been well known as an essential nutrient for many years, hence its popularity as a fortifying agent in commercially produced breakfast cereals and breads etc. But in the current craze for tracking down new anti-oxidant "superfoods" it's easy to overlook the more familiar, but nonetheless vital, nutrients such as the B complex vitamins.

Riboflavin, for example, is essential for the body's production of certain enzymes, known as flavocoenzymes, which are needed for the production of energy through the metabolism of the proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed in the diet. Flavocoenzymes are important in the breaking down and the using or neutralizing of chemicals, including drugs and toxins within the body, and it has also been noted that they are a precursor of the specialized proteins needed for the proper functioning of the brain cell mitochondria.

Impaired oxygen metabolism within these mitochondria has been identified as a possible cause of migraine headaches, Although tested on only a small sample of patients, supplementation with high levels (400 mg) of riboflavin has been duly found to have significant effects in reducing the frequency of migraine attacks when continued over a three month period. Despite the limited scope of the research so far, orthodox medicine regards riboflavin as worthy of further investigation for use in conjunction with conventional drug therapies.

Riboflavin is also important as an anti-oxidant in enabling the proper functioning of glutathione, the crucial anti-oxidant enzyme. Glutathione is needed to neutralize the hydrogen peroxide which is released as a by-product of normal metabolic reactions within the body. Left unchecked hydrogen peroxide can interact with other free radicals to produce hydroxyl, the most damaging of all. Glutathione is particularly important in protecting the delicate fatty structures, eg the membranes, of every cell in the body.

Although anti-oxidants are required to protect every cell in the body, particular attention has been focussed on their role in the lens of the eye, where light induced oxidative damage has been found to be a risk factor for the development of cataracts, one of the most significant causes of vision loss in the elderly.

Measuring by reference to glutathione activity, research has suggested that individuals in the highest quintile of riboflavin levels may have only around half the risk of developing cataracts as those in the lowest quintile.

In addition to facilitating the action of the fat soluble glutathione, riboflavin is also essential for the body's manufacture of another enzyme, xanthine oxidase, which is needed for the formation of uric acid, one of the most powerful water soluble anti-oxidants.

In common with all the vitamins of the B complex, a deficiency in riboflavin is likely to be associated with, and to cause, a deficiency in each of the others. Deficiency in riboflavin, however, has also been particularly associated with problems in the absorption of iron, and consequent anemia and lowered immune system function.

The US Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for riboflavin is set at the very low sounding levels of 1.3 mg per day for men, and 1.1 mg for women, In Europe the slightly higher figure of 1.6 mg is suggested. To put these in perspective, a cup of fortified cereal may provide between 0.6 and 2.3 mg; 8 oz milk perhaps 0.35 mg, and a single large egg 0.3 mg. Meat, fish, chicken and green vegetables also provide a certain amount.

So these food values would seem to suggest that the RDAs should be easily achievable by those eating a normally balanced diet - and indeed they should. The problem is that the RDAs are set at levels designed to ensure protection against outright deficiency disease, which is not at all the same as optimal health. There is also good evidence that few of us in any case, in fact succeed in eating such a diet, and this can be a particular problem for older adults. Some research suggests that as many as a quarter of over 65s fail to achieve their RDA of riboflavin though their normal daily diet, and of course that which they do take in tends to be less well absorbed than that consumed by younger people. The result is that as many as 10% of the over 65s show signs of severe deficiency, an alarming and unforgivable statistic in wealthy Western societies.

But such symptoms of deficiency may not be confined to the elderly. Younger adults who achieve only these minimal levels of riboflavin intake may also be at risk if subjecting their bodies to unusual stresses, amongst which must be included physical work, intensive athletic or sporting activity, and the use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.

There are no known toxicity issues with any quantity of the B complex vitamins conceivably likely to be consumed, and the Food and Nutrition Board has specified no upper safe limit. The vitamins are water soluble with any excess being easily excreted by the body. So given the difficulties of absorption which become more pronounced as the body ages, and the increased requirements for these vitamins which seems to arise with the increasingly stressful lives we lead in the 21st century - not to mention the nutritional poverty of much of the heavily refined and processed foods we now routinely consume, there seems no reason not to supplement with riboflavin and the other vitamins of the B complex.

About the Author

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specializing in direct marketing and with a particular interest in health products. Find out more at

Do You Know The Secret To How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat? by Tyler Whitman

Do you know the secret to how to get rid of belly fat? You don't? Well, why not? I mean, you've spent on small fortune on every fat burning pill to hit the market, you've signed up for every new exercise class to hit town, you've immediately begun every fad diet you've heard about, and you have purchased dozens of exciting exercise programs - how have you NOT learned the secret to how to get rid of belly fat by now?

Let's start with those magical fat burning pills. Let's see, they all promise to help you lose belly fat quick. Did you take them as directed? You did?

Hmmm...and you still have that big fat belly. Did you buy the goods one, or just the cheap knock-offs? I see, nothing but the best for you. And you spent how much on them? Wow, that's a lot of money for not a lot of results.

Ok, now what about all of these exercise classes you signed up for at your gym? Most of these flyers say that these classes will show you how to get rid of belly fat. Oh, you stopped decided that taking those fat burning pills would help you lose that pooch faster than Yogalates would....ok.

What about all of those special "lose belly fat quick" diets you are always on? They didn't work either, huh? They just made you hungry all the time? You actually gained weight? That is a shame.

Alright then, so what went wrong will of the exercise programs you've purchased? You have some workout videos here, some programs you got online. It looks like these are all supposed to help change you your abs from flab into fab. These pictures are amazing--look at this woman's before and after pictures! Can you believe the difference? Her big fat belly is gone and she totally has six-pack abs now!

So why didn't these exercise programs help you lose your fat gut and get rock hard abs too? They worked so well for all of these people in the before & after pictures. Not sure? You don't know why?

Would you like me to tell you? Would you like to know why none of these things have helped you to lose belly fat quick? Would you like to finally discover the secret of how to get rid of belly fat? Ready? Here goes:

The secret of how to get rid of belly fat is.....there is no secret! That's right - no secret! There is no magical pill that is going to melt the fat of your stomach, and there is no special diet that is going to give you six-pack abs.

Those exercise classes you signed up for? You never even went to the classes, so how can you complain about them not working? You were lazy and decided to take the easy way out and cheat by taking those fat burner pills instead.

And what about those exercise programs you bought? Most of them are just hype, just clever advertising with lots of amazing before and after pictures to dazzle and seduce you. See, the fitness gurus realize that most people will purchase these programs and then do nothing with them because they are lazy and would rather take a pill than break a sweat.

So instead of putting together a program that really produces results, these fitness gurus put all of their efforts into marketing and advertising. They know that most people purchase these programs on an emotional whim and never actually use them. So they don't bother creating programs that actually do what they claim to do.

And when a fitness guru comes along that actually does come out with a program that works, that really does produce the results it promises to, people ignore them! Why? Because they don't promise magical, overnight results. They tell you flat out that you will have to work hard to achieve the results that you want, so you skip right over them to the next hyped up product that promises amazing results without the hard work.

Bottom line, if you truly want to lose belly fat quick, you are going to have to stop looking for a magic cure and start getting serious about exercise. There is no secret to how to get rid of belly fat other than being disciplined enough to maintain a healthy diet and properly exercise on a daily basis.

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Stop wasting your time and your money chasing bogus "secrets" and click here to find out what it takes to get rid of belly fat! Go to and learn more today!

Squats, Bench And Dead Lifts - So What Are Decent Weights? by Ben Kong

Continuing on from the previous installment, technique on the 'big 3' - squat, bench and dead lift is paramount but of course there is the small matter of how much weight you should be aspiring to lift.

The truth is that on these major lifts you can and with application will lift much more weight than you ever imagined.

(So what are decent weights to lift? Check this out:

Despite all the advances at the cutting edge, the state of the average modern gym trainee is actually often a step backwards from fifty years ago or even a hundred years ago. Granted back then, far less people trained, however the average results in terms of strength, power and muscular development of those that trained would be impressive by today's standards. These days we can often get too fancy and forget that effort and dedication will see us further than the latest wonder supplement.

The reason it is useful for us to look so far back is for some sort of benchmark that we can use to gauge what is a 'decent' weight in our own training. Whilst power lifting informs our technique, it is a highly specialized sport that more often than not uses special support equipment to maximize lifts. As such it is not the best benchmark for what the average all around trainee who may engage in a number of other physical activities or sports and have different goals - notably physique orientated as opposed to piling the most weight possible on the bar.

(Don't underestimate the power of mind to muscle connection when training - here's why:

By going back at least 50 years, we are also comparing ourselves to trainees in a time where sports technology was far less advanced and thus a better measure of what should be eminently achievable with effort alone. In fact with the technological advantages available to us now, the various benchmarks are a very realistic target indeed.

In 1939 Bob Hoffman a pioneer in weight training devised a set of standards for excellent (Gold) very good (Silver) and good lifts (Bronze) in dozens of exercises. These were set for any average all round trainee to achieve, not a lifting specialist.

Whilst the list is very extensive and adjusts for various body weights, the Gold standard for the squat in general is a little over double body weight, the bench press around one and a half times body weight and the dead lift around two and a half times body weight.

In the power lifting world these are not huge numbers but you will rarely see these sorts of numbers being put up by guys in the gym. The few guys that do will have the physiques to show for it.

The critical thing though is this:

The reason the average trainee doesn't is not because they can't. It's because they've never been told that they can - or for that matter...never correctly shown how!

But just imagine if you knew exactly how you could tap into the all round power that executing these 3 critical weight training exercises bring? The difference is that when you nail the Big 3, your body will no longer look like a collection of body parts stuck together. Instead, your body will develop the kind of physique that resembles the perfect lean, muscular proportions only elite fitness professionals and natural body building champions achieve.

© All Rights Reserved 2007

About the Author

Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of Ultimate Body Success - The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever. Click the link now to find out once and for all how to profoundly transform your body beyond belief.

The Muscle Building Trap - What Supplements Should I Be Taking? by Ben Kong

If you have to ask this question then your results are already in peril.

As soon as you ask this question you have been caught up in the multi-million dollar barrage of advertising and pseudo science presented in 90 page glossy magazines that are nothing but one giant advertisement. Seriously, there is not one supplement that exists (nor will there ever be) that is so high tech that you need 90 pages to sell a pill or powder. By the way this is actually not an exaggeration as there is a supplement that has an insane 90-page brochure. The brochure for an $80 million dollar Lear jet is probably smaller.

(Eating, clean, natural food is the key to turning yourself into a fat burning, muscle producing machine - here's why:

The bottom line is that supplements despite all their claims are not magic. There is an incredible amount of junk out there that it just defies description. The outrageousness of the claims is beyond belief. Even the better companies can stretch their claims a little. This doesn't invalidate their products as long as they are backed by solid research but whenever looking at supplements it is wise to be very sober and critical in your assessment.

The key is to independently research and educate yourself about supplements. Do your research and learn about what good hard scientific evidence looks like. Companies should provide independent scientific research to back their claims. Beware of the plethora of "in house" research studies, as these are as good as useless for obvious reasons. In general solid science will be published studies in sports, nutrition and medical journals. Tests should ideally be with a significant number of subjects that have some degree of training, since novices will get great initial results simply by training.

(Get your training off to a solid start that can only help you develop an awesomely lean, muscular physique:

Beware, some of the favorite buzzwords such as 'drug-like' effects or any comparisons to anabolic steroids. There is nothing over the counter that even comes close to pharmaceuticals in terms of potency. Don't kid yourself, these mythical products simply don't exist. Also watch out for products that name themselves after anabolic steroids but with slightly different spelling, as these are likely to be the shonkiest products on the market.

(Don't underestimate the mind to muscle connection when it comes to building the body you want - here 'why:

The bottom line is this: there are only a select handful of useful supplements that really do work and enhance performance both in the research lab and out in the real world. As we clearly show you in our Ultimate Body Success Program, you simply need to be educated in order not to get ripped off. You need to know the game and play it on your terms. Until you learn about exactly what types of supplements there are and what they can and can't do, you are prey - simple as that.

© All Rights Reserved 2007

About the Author

Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of Ultimate Body Success - The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever. Click the link now to find out once and for all how to profoundly transform your body beyond belief.

Concentration - The Lost Art Of The Champion Body Builder by Ben Kong

Concentration. Do you have it when you train? How proficient are you at this vital skill?

The reality is that the quality of your results will depend largely on your ability to concentrate while you train. In fact concentration is one of the most important skills to develop. It's just as important to transforming your body as nailing your physical execution in the 'big 3'.

(Check out this great article on the critical importance of the Big 3 exercises:

The modern gym or worse 'health club' is full of distractions. Phones, music, televisions, and a menagerie of assorted people - it's an assault on the senses and can easily retard your results if you are not careful.

Serious training requires focus. In order to move the most weight safely and effectively you need your brain to be 100% on the job to fire your muscles with everything you've got. Don't add to the already long list of distractions by needlessly chatting and wasting time when you should be training. A very simple concept but it needs to be addressed as so many people don't realize how much they are costing themselves in the long run over time.

You may seriously want to consider a no talking rule for yourself while you train. Make your training time, your time. Really focus on the task at hand. You'll be surprised how when you really begin to concentrate, your weights on every exercise will increase.

(Quality always beats quantity when it comes to effective training - here's why:

Your ultimate goal is to concentrate so well on completing each and every rep that a bomb could go off and you wouldn't lose focus. By really feeling every inch of each exercise you will also gain an awesome body awareness that will allow you to get the very most out of every movement. You will develop the critical mind to muscle link that will allow you to control your muscles precisely to create the most overload possible for faster results.

Don't underestimate the mind to muscle link - your mind literally creates your body - what you think you become. Think about this for a second - is there anything on this planet that did not come into existence but through thought first? Look around you, your computer, the chair your sitting on, your couch, TV, car you drive and so on, all had to be thought of first before it could come into existence. So to your very own body, what you focus on about your body eventually will bring that very vision into your reality.

Finally, developing a solid foundation for concentration is essential for progressing to the more advanced levels of training to create your ultimate physique. For as you progress, you will discover that training becomes more and more a mental challenge. As the weights get heavier than you do, to the point where you are carrying double your body weight on your shoulders and squatting for reps, you will need to have honed and developed your mental approach. Once you reach this level, concentration alone will often determine whether or not you can lift the weight. Advanced techniques to overcome fear and performance visualization will come into play and your mind will play an ever more important role.

Start to develop your mind today, for the battles that lay ahead.

© All Rights Reserved 2007

About the Author

Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of Ultimate Body Success - The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever. Click the link now to find out once and for all how to profoundly transform your body beyond belief.

Blowtorching Body Fat In Record Time by Ben Kong

How exactly do you train to blowtorch the fat from your body in record time and build rock-solid strong, powerful muscle in the most effective way possible? How do you maximize your results in the gym to get the most bang for your buck so that you don't waste your time sweating it doing something that your body is just not going to respond to?

Time wasting is a good theme to start with as the "cardio" that has been sold to the masses as the 'best' form of fat loss training for many years is just that. Even the 'new' science of cardio fat loss training, whilst valuable is being corrupted and sold as an 'easy way out' for the masses rather than being utilized for its full potential.

For many years people seized on the discovery of the 'fat burning zone' a fairly low to moderate intensity of exercise where the heart rate is around 65% of maximum. Heart rate monitors were produced and sold en mass and new (and expensive) electronic machines were created to keep people in this zone. It was popular too because people can train comfortably in this zone, watch TV read and not really work too hard at all whilst believing they were doing the 'best' form of fat loss training. The reality is this form of training also known as Long Steady/Slow Distance or LSD whilst burning more fat as a proportion of calories burned is an inefficient form of fat loss training because the greatest overall determinant of fat loss is total calories burnt not the proportion as fat. In most cases more fat is actually burnt due to the higher total even if the proportion of calories burnt from fat is lower.

To illustrate, you may burn 300 calories doing LSD training for an hour in the 'fat burning zone' of which say 80% of the 300 calories burnt come from fat making 240 calories worth of fat burnt. If you worked harder above the so called 'fat burning zone' and burnt 650 calories even with only 50% of them coming from fat, not only have you burnt more calories but you have also burnt more fat calories (325) anyway.

(When training, quality always beats quantity - here's why:

Recently interval training, where periods of high intensity effort are broken up with periods of lower intensity effort has become all the rage. In terms of marketing this is being hyped as a new fad to the masses even though its effectiveness has been known by those in the know for more than 50 years. The beauty of interval training is that it allows for a much higher average work rate that also creates great metabolic and hormonal changes in favor of fat burning. Proper interval training is one of the keys to transforming yourself into a true fat burning machine.

The thing is to do it properly at the necessary intensity, safely and sustainably is challenging. This is especially true for the masses as various 'systems' have popped up promising rapid fat loss results in just 20 minutes or even less of 'work'. This marketing fad bullseyes the whole 'quick and easy' hot button by bastardizing solid science that found interval training is more efficient than LSD in terms of fat loss in a given time frame. The reality is that just because you are doing intervals doesn't mean that you can shorten your work time and expect magical results. To get the best results you still need to put in the time, intervals will just make you work harder so you get leaner faster.

Interval training has great value but it is challenging work. It needs genuine effort and intensity to work otherwise it will turn into just a short low intensity session that burns very few calories without the metabolic benefits. For most people it is also very easy to over do it in their zeal and not have correct work to rest ratios and tire out too quickly or worse injure themselves. Depending on the method chosen (such as running/sprints) it can also be quite taxing on the body including the joints meaning that you may not be able to do it as frequently as you need to. Thus to get the most from intervals, you ideally need a well-managed program to drive the necessary intensity as well as prevent injuries and overtraining.

Despite all the current hype surrounding interval training, it is wrong to say LSD has no value in a maximized cardio program. Again it is a case of understanding how your body works and thus seeing how the advantages of LSD training can be maximized as a fat loss tool. Its strength is that it is relatively gentle on the body meaning that it can be done frequently (which adds up to a decent amount of calories over time) or in addition to interval training for additional work without taxing recovery or even as a form of active recovery. The other key trait is to really emphasize the "long" part of the equation. As great as intervals are, you can't do them for 6-8 hours let alone for several days but with LSD training you can and if you get creative, this is where it really comes into its own as a fat stripping powerhouse.

To maximize your cardio and fat loss training it is a matter of harnessing the inherent advantages of both long steady distance and intervals. In theory, to burn off stubborn fat stores as fast as humanly possible you must create a training environment for long steady distance where you could keep the heart rate elevated in the fat burning zone for several hours sustainably to burn a significant amount of calories with a high proportion of them being from fat together with finding a way to perform intervals as often as possible at the necessary intensity by not impacting on the joints and carefully managing work to rest ratios and recovery to reduce muscular soreness.

Once you understand the advantages and disadvantages of the various pieces of cardio equipment in the gym as well as being a little creative exploring other fat loss training options it is very easy to create a practical fat loss training system for yourself that perfectly matches the theoretical model and will rapidly incinerate fat when combined with your customized nutritional system.

© All Rights Reserved 2007

About the Author

Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of Ultimate Body Success - The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever. Click the link now to find out once and for all how to profoundly transform your body beyond belief.

Fitness Training: The Best Way to Get a Great Looking Body plus the Health Benefits by Anna Dewsberry

It’s safe to say that more and more people are getting concerned about there physical shape. Besides, having a good looking body means that you can attract more of the opposite sex. This is why many people go through liposuction surgery or experiment with their body by trying out different kinds of diets.

Although liposuction surgery can give you a thinner and better looking body, you have to consider that this process don’t necessarily develop your body. The process will involve sucking out fats from a specific part of your body and the surgeon will "sculpt" your body to get a better looking figure. In dieting, you should consider that this can be very dangerous for your body as it can deprive the body of the nutrients it needs. Many diets say that you shouldn’t eat carbohydrates, which your body needs in order to have more energy. Some diets put forward fasting which also means depriving your body of the essential nutrients it needs.

So, just what is the best way to have a better looking body and at the same time, give your body the health benefits it needs?

The answer to this question is very simple. With the proper diet plus fitness training, you will be able to obtain a well-toned body with all the health benefits because fitness training actually keeps your heart pumping, therefore, making it healthy.

There are quite a lot of fitness training methods accessible today. You have to choose the fitness training method that will suit your needs. If you like body building, you have to consider engaging more on cardiovascular exercises and weight lifting. However, if you only want a healthy looking body and a well-toned one, you can consider fitness training exercises that concentrate more on cardiovascular exercises and a little on weight training.

Fitness training is the more natural way of obtaining a well-toned and healthier looking body. You have to remember that muscles will burn fat. By developing your muscles it will burn fat at the same time. The fat stored in your body is what keeps your muscles working. Think of the fat in your body as the fuel for your muscles. This is why that although dieting alone can give you a slimmer body, you will lack strength because you are depriving your muscles of fat.

You have to consider that the human body needs fat in order for it to work properly. However, you have to use those fats in order for you to not have that "extra padding" or those "love handles". You can try hunting for your own food in the wilderness as the humans before did that is both an exercise and a necessity. But, most of the food hunting you do today is in the mall with your credit card as your weapon. Technology has contributed to obesity and being overweight. So, the best way that you can use your fat and at the same time develop your body's muscles is through fitness training.

About the Author

I have been interested in keeping fit all my life and want to pass on to others the joys of working out. 24 Hour Fitness the new way to maintain your health and beauty

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  • How to Achieve Good Life and Fitness by Anna Dewsberry

    How do you know if you have a good life and a fit body? When you visit your doctor, do you ever bother to ask him that question? Good life and fitness are somehow synonymous, but not all people will agree to that. If you're fit, then you're bound to have a good life in terms of being healthy and not being prone to illnesses. If you have a good life, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you're already fit, because chances are, you're one of the many people living an unhealthy lifestyle.

    So how will you find out if you have a good life and fitness altogether?

    First, define what good life means to you. For some people it may mean having all the luxuries in life or having lots of money. Other people may think of good life as living a healthy life. If the latter is your definition of good life, regardless if you have lots of money or not, then you chose the better one. If this is your life's belief, then you might be physically fit as well.

    So if you have a good and healthy life, you will have the chance to earn more money because you seldom get sick. You can work for long hours if you like, and you can buy all the things that you want. Whereas, if you're not healthy, you will always get sick and most of your expenses will be for medications and other medical costs.

    Therefore living a good and healthy life will always mean that you're into fitness activities. Fitness exercises are great ways to stay physically fit and healthy. You can join health clubs or fitness gyms if you like, if you think that is the way to stay on track. Some people prefer to do their exercises at home, and that is quite convenient because you can do it at any given time, and on any part of the house.

    So the next step is to assess your lifestyle now. you should ask yourself these questions to determine your physical shape. Are you currently involved in fitness exercises? Do you have vices? Do you often get sick? If you think that you're not having a good healthy life, then don’t you think that it's high time that you change your unhealthy ways?

    How will you go about the process? Well, it may sound easy to say that you can start any time you like. But this can happen especially if you're really determined to go for a good and fit life. Start changing your unhealthy ways gradually because it's quite impossible to change overnight. Little by little, you will notice the changes taking place, and you will thank yourself for it.

    If you have difficulty in changing your eating habits, you can seek the help of a dietician so that you can be provided with a sample of healthy menus that you can eat everyday. Purchase cookbooks and it would be more beneficial to prepare your meals if you have the time.

    About the Author

    I have been interested in keeping fit all my life and want to pass on to others the joys of working out. 24 Hour Fitness the new way to maintain your health and beauty

  • NEW: Body, Life and Fitness - Faster result generation
  • For 24 hour fitness visit HERE Your Complete Guide to beauty
  • Wanted: Physical Fitness Trainers by Anna Dewsberry

    These days, not only movie stars could afford them. No, we’re not talking of designer clothes and shoes. We’re talking about personal fitness trainers that only movie stars and millionaires could afford in the past. But not now. These days, anyone who’s a member of a gym can have a personal fitness trainer who creates a routine workout just for them.

    People who are serious about their fitness plans would insist on the services of a trainer on the grounds that a personal trainer provides the proper guidance and advice the individual of the needs in his/her exercises. He/she prepares a set of exercises that you can do in the gym and even at home. With a trainer, the individual is more focused on his work-out goals. There is someone who will encourage him/her and help point out the parts of the body that needs work-out and toning.

    In many cases there’s the issue of money. Sessions may range from a hundred to a thousand bucks, depending on the extent of services to be provided by your trainer. While others may charge a certain fee for a set number of work-outs, others charge for individual sessions.

    The market for personal fitness trainers has significantly expanded with the increasing number of fitness buffs and health enthusiasts. As a personal trainer, your market would be professionals, athletes and people who want to get fit and stay in shape. There’s also a potential market for people undergoing therapy, those with high blood pressure and diabetics who needs to have a physically fit body to maintain their health. There are also those who need a trainer or coach for specialized sports related skills like aerobics and karate.

    Si if your thinking of a career as a physical fitness trainer you should be equipped with the basics of anatomy, physiology, nutrition, metabolism, design and implementation of fitness plans, health safety and first aid �" topics which are taught at fitness training schools. These training schools may also provide specializations in different types of physical activities like yoga, strength training, running etc. There are also lessons on designing programs for people with special health needs and issues �" the diabetics, heart disease patients and patients with back injuries.

    Personal Trainers can earn as low as $16,000 to as much as $80,000, depending on their experience and skills. Of course, personal trainers to prominent personalities like athletes and movie stars earn more.

    If you’re thinking of making this a career, remember that a physical fitness trainer provides more than just exercise and work-out plans. A physical fitness trainer is responsive to the needs and conditions of his client. They are good motivators who can effectively encourage and promote healthy living and fitness to his clients. The reason why most solitary fitness buffs fail in their work-outs is because of the lack of motivation from a companion. The fitness trainer fills in this role of motivator �" one who will keep them going even when they think the work-out’s not working.

    With a career as a physical fitness trainer, you get more than just a healthy and fit body. You may get to rub elbows with the stars too!

    About the Author

    I have been interested in keeping fit all my life and want to pass on to others the joys of working out. 24 Hour Fitness the new way to maintain your health and beauty

  • NEW: Fitness Trainers your physical needs - Faster result generation
  • For 24 hour fitness visit HERE Your Complete Guide to beauty
  • Fitness for Building Muscle: Comparison of Exercise Machines from Free Weights by Anna Dewsberry

    For developing different muscle groups strength training is excellent, and there are lots of machines that will aid you in your fitness regimen. You need to make comparisons between using exercise machines and free weights. Both have its advantages and disadvantages and the purpose of comparing is to weigh which one meets your fitness needs the best.

    The latest production of free weights is widely available in the form of barbells and dumbbells. Many dumbbells are single weight, one piece items. Some are designed similarly with barbells. It has a bar on the centre and the weights are removable. Thus, it gives you the option to change weights. This is less expensive, however time consuming. You need to replace weights for every exercise.

    Weigh stack machine have two types, single exercise which is created for one movement, and multiple exercise machines are adjustable for performing various exercises.

    Free weights can be beneficial for strengthening the entire body. Oftentimes this is more effective. Exercises on free weights are done easily. You properly hold the free weights while standing. Your entire body is supporting the weight that is why the muscles actively move during the exercise. This also supports bone mineralization, significant in avoiding osteoporosis in the future. As you lift the free weights, weight stabilization also takes place keeping your body in a steady manner. This promotes additional muscle strength.

    The major advantage of training machines over free weights is safety and easy usage. These machines are equipped with control and guides to direct the resistance paths. Thus it is less dangerous and prevents the user from being pinched, injured, or trapped. In case you failed to control the weights, the stacks will never hit you. The spotter's assistance is not anymore needed when exercising. Heavier weights are more comfortable to lift, increasing your muscle mass. Adjustments on the machines can be easily made that is why this machine is very popular in many fitness centres and gyms.

    The free weights major disadvantage is safety. If you perform a bench press using a barbell, the tendency of being trapped is possible especially if you fail to complete a certain repetition. It is advisable that you do your exercise with a spotter or a friend to assist you. Keep in mind that greater amounts of control are needed when stabilizing your muscles. Total control is needed when lifting to prevent joints and muscle injuries. Usage and technique must be properly applied when utilizing free weights.

    Many manufacturers have created resistance machines with different qualities and designs. Often these machines are for typical users with typical heights, limb lengths, and weights. The motions of the exercises are guided by these machines. So, sometimes the motion cannot be the perfect motion for the limb length and size of your body. This forces your body to adapt to such a motion which is not actually good making your exercise useless.

    The choice depends on you. To summarize, free weights can be better for achieving full stabilization of the muscles and freedom of motions, while machines provides safety and easy usage. Consider your fitness goals and choose accordingly.

    About the Author

    I have been interested in keeping fit all my life and want to pass on to others the joys of working out. 24 Hour Fitness the new way to maintain your health and beauty

  • NEW: What's the best fitness Equipment - Faster result generation
  • For 24 hour fitness visit HERE Your Complete Guide to beauty
  • How to Achieve 'Anytime Fitness' by Anna Dewsberry

    We all no that every were we look everything is telling us to have rock hard abbs. Fitness refers to a person's capacity to adapt favourably and take stress brought about by changing conditions. In this kind of situation, if you're physically fit, then your mind or body will not be disturbed in any way. As you can see, fitness is not only about physical strength but of mental stability as well.

    In many ways, fitness is the same to health. Modern living requires good health and to achieve such state, a person must stay fit. Good health and fitness need to be consistent. When a person is fit, then that person is considered healthy; and if a person is healthy, his or her fitness level naturally goes up.

    But if fitness only pertains to health it's insufficient. Have you heard about the Evolution Theory? It states that only the fit of all species can survive and pass their genes. So fitness is not entirely about health; you should also suit the environment that you live, anytime and anywhere. Therefore, a person should be able to adapt to any environment in order to survive, together with proper fitness exercises.

    Oftentimes, people ignore the importance of fitness. They overlook their responsibility to stay fit. Perhaps they don’t know the benefits of 'anytime fitness'. Life holds a lot of pleasure for individuals; but if you're always ill you can't enjoy such pleasures of life.

    Is fitness anytime possible? Well, of course it is; I now that I have meat friends that have a workout regime in the morning before they leave for work each morning. You will surely improve your life, look fresher, don’t fear any form of infection, and no worries if your car broke down; at least you get to walk an extra few blocks before reaching your home.

    Think of every situation as an opportunity to stay fit and this is the key to fitness anytime. You can make the most out of your independence, have peace of mind, and you're quite confident that you can handle everything.

    Training for fitness focuses primarily on the different groups of muscles of every human being; this results to muscular fitness, aerobic fitness, and increases stability and flexibility. There are other factors to consider before deciding to do a physical activity, like your physical capability. Do check with your doctor before performing any activity that requires physical strength.

    Aerobic exercises are of different kinds. You can do running, dancing, swimming, or even cycling. Make sure that you limit your exercise to about 30-40 minutes every day.

    In order for your muscles to display endurance and strength, focus more on muscular fitness. You can better enhance your muscular fitness if you do some strength training; this will result to an increase in mass of your lean muscles.

    Related to your muscle strength's core are balance and stability. Do exercises that can help in making your muscles tough, especially for your trunk area.

    With fitness training, you can also achieve flexibility. By doing exercise like pulling and stretching, your muscles can function in its widest possible range. You can try tai chi or yoga, they are great stretching exercises.

    Another important factor is eating a well-balanced diet. With all these factors present, you can totally experience fitness anytime and anywhere.

    About the Author

    I have been interested in keeping fit all my life and want to pass on to others the joys of working out. 24 Hour Fitness the new way to maintain your health and beauty

  • NEW: 24 hours Fitness HOW! - Faster result generation
  • For 24 hour fitness visit HERE Your Complete Guide to beauty
  • How to Achieve 'Anytime Fitness' by Anna Dewsberry

    We all no that every were we look everything is telling us to have rock hard abbs. Fitness refers to a person's capacity to adapt favourably and take stress brought about by changing conditions. In this kind of situation, if you're physically fit, then your mind or body will not be disturbed in any way. As you can see, fitness is not only about physical strength but of mental stability as well.

    In many ways, fitness is the same to health. Modern living requires good health and to achieve such state, a person must stay fit. Good health and fitness need to be consistent. When a person is fit, then that person is considered healthy; and if a person is healthy, his or her fitness level naturally goes up.

    But if fitness only pertains to health it's insufficient. Have you heard about the Evolution Theory? It states that only the fit of all species can survive and pass their genes. So fitness is not entirely about health; you should also suit the environment that you live, anytime and anywhere. Therefore, a person should be able to adapt to any environment in order to survive, together with proper fitness exercises.

    Oftentimes, people ignore the importance of fitness. They overlook their responsibility to stay fit. Perhaps they don’t know the benefits of 'anytime fitness'. Life holds a lot of pleasure for individuals; but if you're always ill you can't enjoy such pleasures of life.

    Is fitness anytime possible? Well, of course it is; I now that I have meat friends that have a workout regime in the morning before they leave for work each morning. You will surely improve your life, look fresher, don’t fear any form of infection, and no worries if your car broke down; at least you get to walk an extra few blocks before reaching your home.

    Think of every situation as an opportunity to stay fit and this is the key to fitness anytime. You can make the most out of your independence, have peace of mind, and you're quite confident that you can handle everything.

    Training for fitness focuses primarily on the different groups of muscles of every human being; this results to muscular fitness, aerobic fitness, and increases stability and flexibility. There are other factors to consider before deciding to do a physical activity, like your physical capability. Do check with your doctor before performing any activity that requires physical strength.

    Aerobic exercises are of different kinds. You can do running, dancing, swimming, or even cycling. Make sure that you limit your exercise to about 30-40 minutes every day.

    In order for your muscles to display endurance and strength, focus more on muscular fitness. You can better enhance your muscular fitness if you do some strength training; this will result to an increase in mass of your lean muscles.

    Related to your muscle strength's core are balance and stability. Do exercises that can help in making your muscles tough, especially for your trunk area.

    With fitness training, you can also achieve flexibility. By doing exercise like pulling and stretching, your muscles can function in its widest possible range. You can try tai chi or yoga, they are great stretching exercises.

    Another important factor is eating a well-balanced diet. With all these factors present, you can totally experience fitness anytime and anywhere.

    About the Author

    I have been interested in keeping fit all my life and want to pass on to others the joys of working out. 24 Hour Fitness the new way to maintain your health and beauty

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  • Workout Ideas to Make Fitness Fun by Anna Dewsberry

    When you ask someone to workout with you, most of the time you will usually hear the word "no". Besides, working out is boring. Maybe even you will consider that working out is boring and rather do fun things than spending time at the gym doing some boring workout routines. However, you have to consider that more and more people are putting up with the boring workout routines because of the alarming increase of heart related diseases and obesity. You have to consider that you have to take care of your body in order to live a happier and more satisfying life.

    You and only you are responsible for maintaining your body's health. This is why you have to do fitness workouts in order to keep your body in its top working condition. Failing to do so may result in a disease-ridden life where you and your family will suffer. So, while you are still not experiencing diseases because of being overweight, such as diabetes and heart diseases, you have to start doing fitness workout in order to keep your body healthy plus give you the benefit of having a great looking body that you can show off during summers at the beach.

    but, if you find regular fitness workout routines really boring, there are quite a lot of fitness workouts that you can do to make workout more fun. There are fun activities that you can do where you can definitely enjoy and at the same time, give you a great quality fitness workout experience.

    First of all, most people consider that fitness workouts are only limited at the gym. However, you have to consider thinking out of the box and start being creative. Active sports such as swimming, golf, tennis, football, and basketball is a fun sport that can give you great quality fitness workout experience. For example, if you like to play tennis, there are quite a lot of tennis schools available that can teach you how to play. You can even include your family in this fun activity and all of you can have fun while at the same time, promote fitness.

    If you are not sports minded or you can't think of any sport that can be fun for you, you can also consider dancing as a great fitness workout experience. You can try and enrol in dance classes. Although some people think that dancing is easy, you have to consider that it's not. Dancing is quite difficult and can be very stressful for your body as it will require you to run, walk, and jump around in the dance floor to do those dance moves. Dancing can definitely be a great fitness workout alternative if you find regular gym workouts boring. Plus, dancing is also fun especially if both you and your significant other enrol in the same classes.

    These are just some of the examples that can make fitness workout more fun and more enjoyable. There are still quite a lot of activities out there that you can do for fun and at the same time, give you a great quality workout. There are belly dancing activities, there are hiking and camping activities, there are rock climbing activities and a lot more. All you need to do is find one that interests you and be creative.

    About the Author

    I have been interested in keeping fit all my life and want to pass on to others the joys of working out. 24 Hour Fitness the new way to maintain your health and beauty

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