How to start a walking routine. by Amy S.

How to start a walking routing.

Walking is a simple, effective way to maintain health and weight. Anyone at any age can walk for fitness and good health.

It is also a good way to relieve stress and clear your head. Here are some pointers for starting a walking routine.

1. Start. Just start. Walk at a pace that is not too difficult for you for at least 20 minutes. Do this 4-5 times a week. As your body becomes accustomed to this routine you can increase that amount of time you walk and/or your pace.

2. You can continue this routine indefinitely, however, if you feel you need a new challenge, try adding some running into your walk. This will be more difficult to build up your strength and lung capacity, but it is well worth it.

3. You will need a good pair of walking shoes, but you don't need to spend a lot of money on special clothing. Wear what you have. If it is comfortable it will work just fine.

4. To make your walk more enjoyable you might try using headphones and listening to music or talk radio.

5. Find a friend, family member or neighbor to walk with. Better yet, enjoy the time to yourself and the fresh air.

6. Don't quit. Walk 4-5 times per week. Make it a routine and a habit. If you live in a climate that is very cold in the winter or very hot in the summer, you should purchase a walking video or dvd( I like Leslie Sansone's walking videos. They are easy to follow and upbeat.) You can walk with the video in your own home when it is too unbearable to be outside.
About the Author

I am a 34 years old. I am happily married with two children, ages 12 and 10. Health and fitness are important to me.

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